Chapter 526: When Did I Gain Another Father
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 526: When Did I Gain Another Father

As Chen Chao expected, the snowman Liang Jinjin controlled was shattered by a demon cultivator with a single punch shortly after entering the battlefield, turning back into a pile of snow. The cultivators who had been trapped briefly saw a glimmer of hope, but after witnessing this, they instantly fell into despair again.

In this world, perhaps the most painful thing was this. One could endure the darkness if they had never seen the light.

Among the surrounded cultivators, a man who seemed to be the leader, perhaps noticing Liang Jinjin's low cultivation realm and the significant distance between them, did not want to drag her down. He immediately shouted, “Fellow Daoist, don't worry about us! Flee quickly, saving your life is most important!”

But at this moment, Liang Jinjin was entirely focused on the snowman and did not hear him. After the snowman shattered, she immediately summoned several more in a desperate attempt. However, these new snowmen were only half a person tall, and they were soon smashed to pieces by a large demon cultivator who sneered as he destroyed them with a single punch each.

Liang Jinjin stumbled back a few steps and then fell to the ground, sitting in the wind and snow.

The big and tall demon cultivator sneered, likely thinking that this human woman had lost her mind. However, he had no intention of showing mercy. His large hand reached out, aiming directly at Liang Jinjin. If nothing unexpected happened, this punch would be enough to kill her.

Seeing this, the group of humans felt a pang of guilt. If not for trying to help them, this unknown woman would not have met her end here.

But in the next moment, they were all stunned. For some reason, they saw the tall demon cultivator's head suddenly explode, and then he fell heavily to the ground, lifeless in the snow.

Unbeknownst to them, a young man in white had already appeared in front of the woman.

It was clear that the tall demon cultivator had died by his hands.

After that, the young man simply sighed and beckoned at the remaini

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