Chapter 524: We Have to Go and Take a Look Regardless Whether It's Right or Wrong
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 524: We Have to Go and Take a Look Regardless Whether It's Right or Wrong

Over the past few days, Chen Chao's complexion visibly grew rosier as he continued to recuperate. Liang Jinjin's injuries, which had never been severe, had long since fully healed. However, this female qi refiner was very considerate and did not rush him. She just quietly accompanied Chen Chao as they changed locations every few days, diligently taking care of covering their traces.

As the two grew more familiar with each other, aside from Chen Chao occasionally asking her about matters related to qi refiners, she also began to ask some questions from time to time.

“I heard you used a broken saber. When did you get it fixed?”

“You didn't hear about something that major?"

Chen Chao smiled and recounted the events of Sword Qi Mountain. Only then did Liang Jinjin respond with an “oh,” her curiosity piqued as she asked, “What kind of person is your Emperor, anyway? I heard he once crossed the thirty thousand miles of desolate north alone, fought against the Demon Emperor, and still managed to return unharmed.”

Chen Chao laughed, "I haven't heard His Majesty tell that story. Why don't you ask him yourself one day?"

Liang Jinjin frowned and shook her head. "We qi refiners can't just enter the Divine Capital whenever we want. It's the place where a dynasty's destiny is most concentrated. If we recklessly step foot there, it will greatly affect our cultivation."

Chen Chao raised an eyebrow. "Then why did qi refiners attend the Myriad Willow Convention before?"

Liang Jinjin sighed, "Of course, there are ways to solve that, but not everyone has access to those methods. If I were to run off to the Divine Capital, my master and the others definitely wouldn't agree."

Chen Chao acknowledged with an "oh," as he casually learned a few more things about qi refiners.

However, Liang Jinjin quickly realized what he was doing and said with some displeasure, "You're baiting information out of me again."

Chen Chao chuckled and did not defend himself. Over the past few days, although he had asked many questions about qi refiner

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