Chapter 523: The Mystery in the Snow
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 523: The Mystery in the Snow

Hearing this, Chen Chao did not feel moved immediately but rather found it absurd.

The common impression of foreign cultivators was deeply ingrained. They were seen as indifferent to the common people, focusing solely on their cultivation without caring about the lives of ordinary humans. But now, Liang Jinjin was telling him that the sects destroyed in the northern plains had been annihilated for the sake of humanity.

How could Chen Chao not be shocked? How could he not fall into a daze?

How could it not seem absurd?

Liang Jinjin noticed Chen Chao's expression and asked with some confusion, “What's wrong with you?”

Chen Chao rubbed his head, shook his head, and calmed himself before saying, “Continue.

Liang Jinjin gave Chen Chao a doubtful glance before continuing, “To resist the demons moving south, they fought tirelessly. Eventually, the demon army overwhelmed them. But at that time, the other cultivators seemed indifferent and did not come to their aid. I heard that these cultivators held their ground in the northern plains for a full two months, fighting until the last person.”

"Even the Great Qi didn't send any reinforcements. By then, they were already in a precarious state, preoccupied with their own survival. The South was rife with uprisings, and they were busy suppressing them.”

If Chen Chao was initially shocked, now he felt a genuine sorrow. These cultivators had fought desperately for humanity, yet no one came to help, leaving this lone army to be annihilated.

Chen Chao was silent for a long time, unable to say anything, and just kept his head down.

Sometimes he could not understand why the world was like this. But other times, it seemed all too clear why it was this way.

Liang Jinjin seemed to sense Chen Chao's emotional shift and also fell silent, just watching Chen Chao with his head bowed. Her Qi Observing Technique allowed her to feel emotional changes through the shifts in the qi, though she was not sure how to respond. In the end, she just reached out and patted Chen Chao on the shou

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