Chapter 522: Destiny
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 522: Destiny

The firelight illuminated their faces. Chen Chao's complexion was pale, while Liang Jinjin's face was slightly flushed. She said softly, "Regardless, thank you for saving my life."

Chen Chao teased, "Just saying thanks?"

Liang Jinjin was taken aback, then replied a bit pitifully, "But I already gave you my medicinal pill."

She thought for a moment, her face turning a bit red, and looked up at Chen Chao, her lips moving slightly as if to speak. However, before she could say anything, Chen Chao interrupted with a serious expression, "Young lady, take back your indecent thoughts. I'm a good person."

Liang Jinjin was stunned but quickly covered her mouth and laughed.

Chen Chao chuckled and said, "There are many ways to repay someone. How about telling me about the whatever sect ruins?"

Liang Jinjin shook her head, frowning, "That's a sect secret. Before we left, my master told me not to tell anyone."

"This isn't really a secret, is it? At least, many cultivators know about it. I'm the only one who doesn't know about it. You'll just be talking about something everyone already knows, so it doesn't count as breaking any sect rules." Chen Chao coaxed her patiently with a smile, "How about this, you tell me, and I promise not to tell anyone that it was you who said it. How's that?"

Liang Jinjin hesitated as she looked at Chen Chao.

She had little worldly experience, how could she be a match for someone like Chen Chao?

Chen Chao continued, "You're alone now. You can't return to your sect by yourself, can you? The desolate northern plains are vast. If you try to leave on your own, it won't take long before you end up as food for those demons. You have no choice but to travel with me. I can't go back now anyway, so why not take me along and show me the ruins? I promise I won't take anything. As a martial artist, I wouldn't have any use for those items anyway, so they'll all still be yours."

As he spoke, Chen Chao could not help but feel a deep sense of guilt. Deceiving an innocent girl like this was truly shameful.

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