Chapter 521: You're Lying
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 521: You're Lying

In the darkness of night, Chen Chao ignited another fire at a concealed snow mound and then changed into a new snow-white long robe. He also took several medicinal pills that he had swiped from the palace before setting out.

But it was not exactly swipe. After all, he was just taking something from his family!

After meditating with his eyes closed for several hours, Chen Chao's injuries improved considerably. Although he had two spear wounds on his shoulders that had penetrated his body, they were still minor compared to the other injuries he sustained.

In his battle with Yuan Ling, Chen Chao reviewed the situation afterward. He had sustained at least dozens of wounds, all of which were troublesome. Some of his meridians were already blocked. If it were not for the white mist inside him, he would probably be in a state akin to being a living corpse; unable to move at all.

After circulating the white mist inside him one last time, the final blockage in his meridians was cleared. Chen Chao exhaled a mouthful of white mist, finally feeling a lot more comfortable.

At this moment, Liang Jinjin who had been unconscious finally woke up. This female qi refiner was immediately panicked, her mind clearly still stuck in the previous battle with the demon race. However, once she realized it was dark outside and she was next to a campfire, she let out a sigh of relief. But she soon noticed that there were no signs of her senior brothers or sisters around, only a young man with a complexion as pale as paper, which made her anxious again.

But she quickly recognized Chen Chao's face. Though his complexion was pale, his appearance had not changed, so it was easy for her to identify him. “Why is it you?”

She was somewhat surprised, thinking that she should have been with her senior brothers and sisters instead.

Chen Chao glanced at Liang Jinjin. He had no ill intentions toward her, on the contrary, he had a rather good impression of her. Otherwise, he would not have remembered her at the end and gone through the trouble of d

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