Chapter 516: Acting in Bad Faith
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 516: Acting in Bad Faith

With the appearance of the massive snowman, several other huge snowmen also emerged from the wind and snow. This was one of the most basic techniques among qi refiners. Almost every qi refiner learned this method after entering the sect. This magic spell did not require deep study, one would be able to borrow their surroundings after learning the basics.

But unfortunately, when the massive snowman behind Xu Ru appeared between heaven and earth, the flying sword pierced directly through its head. Before the snowman could even make a move, the sword had already impaled its head, causing it to collapse with a crash, turning into a heap of wind and snow.

Xu Ru's complexion turned deathly pale. Since the snowman was connected to his mind, having it destroyed by a single sword strike naturally inflicted severe damage on him as well.

The flying sword did not stop after destroying the snowman behind Xu Ru. It continued to dart around, slicing through other snowmen with its sharp edge, crushing anything it encountered.

Xu Ru spat out a mouthful of blood, his expression ugly. “It's a Great Beyond sword cultivator!”

Qi refiners had many techniques, and many cultivators preferred to avoid them. However, this reluctance usually applied only to cultivators of the same level and did not include those of higher realms, especially not a genuine sword cultivator!

The qi refiners whose snowmen were destroyed turned deathly pale. Their cultivation realms were not high, and if there was only this sword cultivator to deal with, they might have been able to handle it. But now, it was clear that there was more than just a single sword cultivator here.

When the snowman behind Liang Jinjin was destroyed, the skinny monkey had already moved in. He had noticed that among these people, this woman had the lowest cultivation. His only thought was to subdue her first.

However, as he approached, an ice spike suddenly erupted from the ground. He failed to dodge in time and was impaled through the foot. The skinny monkey cried out in pain, a

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