Chapter 517: Saber Leaving its Sheathe
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 517: Saber Leaving its Sheathe

On the battlefield, the situation had long been nearing its end. Xu Ru had been ambushed by the young sword cultivator and had fallen into the demons' encirclement. In a short time, he was reduced to nothing but bones, and the remaining qi refiners also met their deaths in battle. Only Liang Jinjin, who had been heavily injured and unconscious, narrowly escaped this calamity. However, if things continued like this, once all the other cultivators were dead, she too would be hard-pressed to avoid a grim fate.

As for the young sword cultivator's party, the moment he had taken flight on his sword, their morale had already dispersed. They had no will to resist any longer. These foreign cultivators had lived in seclusion on high mountains, only knowing how to cultivate, and were clueless about how to handle a real battlefield. But one thing was similar, which was that once the general of one side fell in battle, the morale of the remaining troops would inevitably waver, much like when a military standard is captured.

It was rare for soldiers to remain undaunted and unaffected when their commanding officer was killed.

In just a short while, the young cultivators had been slaughtered almost to the last.

Finally, the two tall young demon cultivators who had been outside the encirclement stepped forward. These were the same two demons who had attempted to intercept the young sword cultivator when he tried to leave on his sword. They were tall and imposing, their aura like an abyss, exuding a palpable sense of pressure, and both were at the Great Beyond Realm.

With over twenty demon cultivators of varying levels of cultivation present, this ambush had been quite a harvest.

However, after the two tall demons met, they exchanged only a brief glance, and no joy was seen in their eyes.

A moment later, they both looked towards a certain location where a group of young demon cultivators they had previously stationed to eliminate any escaping prey should have been. However, there was no activity from that group.

As demons, t

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