Chapter 509: Even a Clay Figure Has Some Temper
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 509: Even a Clay Figure Has Some Temper

Qiu Yulin was a seasoned veteran, executing each move with simplicity and practicality, wasting no effort. However, in front of Chen Chao, he was unable to act according to his will. Being constantly restrained had long made him miserable. Eventually, Chen Chao seized the opportunity, delivering a heavy punch that sent him flying. When he landed at a distance and got back up, blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he looked extremely disheveled.

He even spat out a few bloodied teeth.

Chen Chao looked at him with a blank expression. “Still coming?”

Qiu Yulin was enraged, “Again!”

Chen Chao chuckled but said nothing more.

This time, Qiu Yulin charged at Chen Chao with large strides. However, as soon as he got close, Chen Chao landed a punch to his face, sending him flying once more.

This time, Qiu Yulin stood up again with bloodshot eyes, and took on a stance of being irreconcilable till death.

Chen Chao responded calmly, “General Qiu, the reason this official isn't using my saber is that you and I are officials of the imperial court. My saber is for fighting enemies of the Great Liang, not for dealing with comrades. However, since you've attacked me without cause, if you come again, this official can't guarantee I'll hold back. If this official accidentally kills you, even His Majesty won't be able to say anything.”

Qiu Yulin turned a deaf ear to it and rushed at Chen Chao once more. At this point, Chen Chao understood what Xu Sheng meant when he said that few people were willing to engage with someone like Qiu Yulin, even among those of the same realm. However, even a clay figure had some temper. Since Qiu Yulin was so intent on fighting, Chen Chao said no more. He grabbed one of Qiu Yulin's arms and forcefully broke it, then kicked Qiu Yulin's calf, shattering the bone. The sound of breaking bones was clear even amidst the wind and snow. This time, Qiu Yulin was sent flying like a kite with a broken string and could not get up again. Despite the pain, he gritted his teeth and did not cry out.

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