Chapter 510: Saber Waits to Leave Its Sheath
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 510: Saber Waits to Leave Its Sheath

The Northern Frontier Great Wall was constructed during the reign of the founding emperor, but it has been continuously improved over the years. Each year, the imperial court allocates funds to the Northern Frontier. Apart from the expenses for daily operations, there was a substantial surplus. This surplus had been entirely invested in the construction of the Northern Frontier Great Wall. Over the past two hundred years, the wall had been continually raised. Now, the wall facing the demon race appeared truly magnificent. On top of the wall, there were not only various weapons crafted by the Ministry of Works but also countless array formations in operation. While every major sect in the world had its own protective mountain arrays, these arrays were weaker than those of the Northern Frontier Great Wall. It was not that the Ministry of Works' arrays were necessarily superior to those of the foreign cultivators, but because the array formations here were layered and stacked endlessly. The Divine Capital was renowned as the world's most majestic city, and the Northern Frontier Great Wall truly deserved its reputation as the world's number one stronghold.

After entering the city, even the calmest individuals could not help but marvel at the grandiose Great Wall, which was entirely built by human effort. Everyone's steps slowed down significantly as they admired their surroundings. Consequently, only Xie Nandu, who remained in the carriage, appeared out of place.

Chen Chao had already detached from the group and was heading alone towards the General's Office.

As the Northern Frontier's Great General, Ning Ping naturally would not personally greet these young cultivators. Given his status and position, there were certain matters he could not undertake, even if he personally wished to do so.

Chen Chao soon arrived at the General's Office and identified himself. The soldiers at the gate were expressionless but did not dare to not report. After a moment, a general clad in armor came out, glanced at Chen Chao, and said

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