Chapter 511: Fighting in the Snow
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 511: Fighting in the Snow

Long before the hundred-man group from the Divine Capital set out, many young cultivators from the outer realms had already arrived at the desolate northern plains. They had not been granted permission to enter the Great Wall, and even though many were sincerely eager to see this barrier that spanned between the demon race and the human race, they were still denied entry.

During this period, some cultivators from major sects were dissatisfied and insisted on forcibly entering the Northern Frontier Great Wall. The soldiers at the checkpoint found themselves in a difficult position. If these were genuine demons, they would have been met with immediate hostility. However, since they were fellow humans who were from the foreign lands that they had a delicate relationship with, the soldiers were unable to make a decision. Fortunately, the news quickly reached the General's Office. Soon after, a formidable cavalry unit of about a thousand soldiers, led by a cavalry general, arrived at the checkpoint and conveyed the Great General's military order.

Unauthorized personnel were not allowed to take a single step into the Great Wall!

The harshness of the wording left those cultivators somewhat stunned.

In the past, things were different. Back then, the Great Liang had no choice. Forget about this Great Wall, even if it was the imperial city, they could enter as they pleased. However, things were far more complicated now.

The renowned cultivator who was leading his sect's juniors was about to lose his temper upon hearing these words. However, before he could speak, a row of divine crossbows on the city wall had already been aimed at the cultivators in front of the pass.

These divine crossbows were killing machines meticulously crafted by the Ministry of Works over ten years. For over two hundred years, they had been continually reworked, and now they were at their twelfth generation. Their killing power was terrifying. If a cultivator at the Great Beyond Realm was targeted by these crossbows, even if they were lucky enou

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