Chapter 508: You Guys Attacked First
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 508: You Guys Attacked First

In the wind and snow, Chen Chao's voice was firm and resolute.

As the first person of this dynasty that the Emperor imperially permitted to bear arms, his right to bear arms was recognized anywhere in the Great Liang. If someone were to force him to disarm, it would mean that the Northern Frontier Army considered itself independent from the Great Liang and did not heed the Emperor's will. No one would dare to nod their heads.

Although Qiu Yulin acted recklessly and lacked any cunning, even with a hundred times his current courage, he would not dare insist that Chen Chao disarm. Given this, he had no choice but to concede.

In an argument, whether it was just Qiu Yulin or even a hundred more “Little Qilins,” they would not be a match for Chen Chao.

After glancing at Qiu Yulin, Chen Chao was about to urge his horse to pass by him. It was not out of fear, but there were countless eyes watching in the Northern Frontier. Making a scene and worsening relations would not benefit anyone. After all, Chen Chao's purpose in coming to the Northern Frontier was to deal with the demons, not to fight among themselves. The Northern Frontier Army and the warden faction were both part of the Great Liang, and internal strife before a major battle was unacceptable.

Although Chen Chao intended to make concessions to avoid trouble, he saw another rider emerging from the city gate. This time, it was a young man not in armor but carrying a long saber at the side of his horse. Seeing Chen Chao, the young man smiled and said calmly, “Brother Yulin merely wanted to spar with Commander Chen. There's no need for such a strong reaction, Commander Chen”

Chen Chao glanced at him and replied calmly, “Is this how the Northern Frontier Army treats its guests? If you come to the Divine Capital next time, should this official show you the same courtesy?”

The young man frowned slightly but continued to smile. “Brother Yulin has always been straightforward and may speak without considering all aspects. Since Commander Chen was imperially decreed b

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