Chapter 507: Disarm and Enter the City?
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 507: Disarm and Enter the City?

Before the team approached the Northern Frontier Great Wall, they had already encountered several checkpoints. Although the guards clearly knew that this imposing group of over a hundred people came from the Divine Capital, they still followed protocol, inspecting all documents thoroughly. The Northern Frontier Army might have experienced various issues over the years, but they never slacked off in this aspect. They always maintained the most cautious attitude when checking outsiders entering the Great Wall. After all, this was the first line of defense for humanity and the strongest one that Great Liang had spent over two hundred years building. Allowing a demon to infiltrate would have dire consequences.

Chen Chao reined in his horse before the checkpoint, watching as soldiers led dual-horn beasts toward them. Curious, he glanced at Xu Sheng, who understood and explained softly, "These creatures are called Spiritcloud Hounds. They are a unique species with no combat ability but are naturally gifted with the ability to detect demon qi. Their sense of smell is exceptionally keen, and demons cannot hide from them."

Chen Chao smiled, "Nothing can escape their noses?"

Xu Sheng shook his head, "Demons are cunning and may have secret treasures or techniques, but there are additional measures afterward to ensure that no demons are mixed within the group to the greatest extent possible."

Chen Chao remained silent. This was indeed the right course of action. After all, if the Great Wall in the Northern Frontier were breached, a large number of demons would descend south. The entire northern region of the Great Liang would be left defenseless. At that point, the demons facing the Great Liang would be like a robust man invading a household where only a widow and her child are left - an easy target for rampant bullying.

But in reality, the thirty thousand miles of desolate north were nearly all flat plains that stretched endlessly, with no natural barriers to defend. During the former Qi Dynasty, although heavy troops we

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