Chapter 506: Northern Frontier Great Wall
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 506: Northern Frontier Great Wall

The further up north, the heavier the snowfall. The scenery of the Northern Frontier was most magnificent during this cold winter season. The vast expanse of white snow and the howling blizzards were awe-inspiring; a testament to the power of nature. This grandeur could make one feel small and insignificant, for no matter how powerful humans became, they could never create such scenes.

In the face of the vastness of heaven and earth, humans were like fleeting visitors. Generations came and went in a hurry, while the world remained unchanged, eternal as always.

Chen Chao lowered his head and glanced at the ground. The heavy snow accumulation already reached the calves of the horses. He recalled the last time he saw such heavy snow, it was during the winter of the thirteenth year of Tianjian in Wei Prefecture. That unprecedented snowstorm claimed many lives in Wei Prefecture due to the extreme cold. The snow before him now was an annual sight in the Northern Frontier, highlighting the harshness of life for the people living there.

Along the journey, they encountered few demons, most of them of low cultivation realm. The thousand soldiers under Xu Sheng's command handled them without much difficulty. The soldiers of the Northern Frontier Army were all martial artists. Although their ranks varied, they were genuine cultivators. Without this strength, they couldn't possibly stand against the demon clans.

Chen Chao had not drawn his saber during this period. Since its reforging, he had yet to truly unsheathe it.

Before leaving Sword Qi Mountain, he had learned about the concept of nurturing intent among sword cultivators. Here, intent referred to sword intent. Sword cultivators would keep their flying swords sheathed, nurturing their sword intent to the extreme. When they finally unsheathed their swords, it would result in an incredibly powerful strike. Although Chen Chao was not a sword cultivator, he wanted to apply this concept to his saber. He sought guidance for a long time, but Sword Qi Mountain could not offe

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