Chapter 503.3: A Splendid Uncle - Part 3
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 503.3: A Splendid Uncle - Part 3

"Not long ago, quite a few officials in Xuanling Commandery and the entire Xinliu Prefecture lost their positions, and some even lost their heads. At this moment, there are countless people still in the Divine Capital's Ministry of Penalty's prison. Since General Ning knows that His Majesty despises such acts the most, and you still dared to commit them, I presume you think that your uncle can protect you? But can he really?"

Chen Chao spoke slowly, emphasizing each word.

Ning Chong's expression changed drastically, but he quickly said in a cold voice, "Chen Chao, don't accuse me of crimes without proof!"

Chen Chao grinned, "Innocent or not, you can tell that to the King of Hell."

"What? Even if this general is suspected, it should be the Great General who will try this case. As an official from the warden faction, do you dare to kill a general from the army on your own authority?!"

Ning Chong slowly retreated, inching towards the long spear placed to the side.

In the army, those capable of wielding such a weapon were all exceptional.

He had trained since childhood and was naturally strong.

But Chen Chao remained unfazed and just said, "Before this official left the Divine Capital, two people spoke to this official about this matter. One of them was the current Great General, who sent a letter. The other was His Majesty, who made it simpler by only saying one word: kill. Do you think you can still live?"

Ning Chong finally grasped the long spear, feeling a bit more confident as he forced himself to calm down. "This general has fought for Great Liang all my life and has achieved great military merits. This is merely a case of His Majesty being misled and a villain framing me!"

"My Ning Family has served in the Northern Frontier Army for generations, we would never do such a thing. You must be falsely conveying an imperial decree. Where is the decree? Show it to this general!"

Ning Chong stared at Chen Chao, his cultivation already at raised to its peak.

Chen Chao shook his head, "There is no decree."


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