Chapter 504: Honest Man
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 504: Honest Man

Xu Sheng watched Chen Chao leave from the entrance of the camp before turning around and walking through the wind and snow to the command tent, where he found Xu Ming.

At this moment, Xu Ming looked dejected.

Xu Sheng dismissed everyone else and asked quietly, "Did His Majesty punish you, General?"

Xu Ming glanced at Xu Sheng and then shook his head. "If His Majesty had truly punished me, I'd feel much better instead. But His Majesty is so magnanimous, not even uttering a single word of reproach, which makes me feel even worse."

Xu Sheng thought for a moment and said, "Besides smuggling fine wine into the military supplies, there must be something else about Ning Chong that we don't know. Could you elaborate, General?"

Xu Ming nodded and, without holding back, quickly recounted the entire sequence of events. Then he said softly, "This isn't just killing a chicken to warn the monkeys, His Majesty is targeting the Ning Family right from the start. Those people previously arrested by the General's Office were of little consequence. Everyone thought that His Majesty and the Great General wouldn't risk destabilizing the Northern Frontier Army for a thorough purge. But now it seems our assumptions were wrong. His Majesty clearly has zero tolerance for the Northern Frontier Army at the moment."

Xu Sheng exhaled a breath of warm air and was in no hurry to speak. Like Xu Ming, he had no strong backing within the Northern Frontier Army. Although the Northern Frontier Army was the most elite military force of the Great Liang Dynasty, boasting formidable combat strength in the northern regions for many years, it was plagued by numerous issues. Often, the Great General's orders held more sway than imperial decree. The previous Great General was aware of these problems but tread carefully to maintain the army's combat effectiveness, fearing that any excessive actions might significantly weaken the army's strength or, worse, cause a mutiny, with some soldiers defecting to the demon race.

Therefore, these issues persisted,

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