Chapter 503.2: A Splendid Uncle - Part 2
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 503.2: A Splendid Uncle - Part 2

Ning Chong was also clear that his promotion was not dependent on Xu Ming, so he did not deliberately butter up to this main commander either. Instead, he set his command tent at a distance from Xu Ming's. At this moment, Ning Chong had just taken a sip of the fine deer antler wine sent from White Deer Prefecture. After setting down his cup, he could not help but marvel. White Deer Prefecture was not only known for its scholars but also for its wine brewing skills. This deer antler wine, made from fawn blood and deer antler, was a favorite among those scholars. It poured into the cup a deep red and tasted exceptionally sweet, with a taste that lingered endlessly. Unlike other soldiers who preferred strong liquor, Ning Chong did not like liquor, he only liked this wine. Thus, he often had people bring large quantities from White Deer Prefecture, hidden among the military supplies and provisions sent from the Divine Capital, and no one bothered him about it.

Just as he finished his sip and was about to pour a second glass, the tent flap suddenly lifted, letting in a gust of cold wind and snowflakes.

A young man in black, with a saber at his waist, stood quietly at the entrance of the tent, looking at this deputy commander of Xuanling Commandery.

Ning Chong had a tall and imposing figure typical of the northern regions, with a strikingly handsome face. Even sitting, he exuded a commanding presence.

After seeing Chen Chao, he snorted coldly in displeasure, "Who are you? Do you know that trespassing this general's tent is a serious crime?!"

Chen Chao ignored him and instead looked at the wine flask in front of Ning Chong, saying with a smile, "I heard that the former Great General was very strict about military discipline. No one in the army was allowed to drink outside of designated times. General Ning, your behavior today would have earned you at least a few dozen military lashes if that Great General were still around."

Ning Chong's expression remained unchanged. "Just by trespassing this general's tent, it wou

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