Chapter 479.2: Isn't a Peaceful Life Good? - Part 2
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 479.2: Isn't a Peaceful Life Good? - Part 2

However, if Xie Nandu were so easily provoked, she would not be the Xie Nandu he knew. Nonetheless, his words did make Xie Nandu put down her book. This genius daughter of the Xie Family fell silent for a moment, then asked, “How do you think two people can be together for a long time?”

Chen Chao frowned, “Are you talking about us, or just in general?”

Xie Nandu replied calmly, “Ordinary men and women.”

Chen Chao remained silent, having never considered the question. He was not sure and wondered if this might be a test from the girl in front of him.

Seeing that Chen Chao remained silent, Xie Nandu continued speaking on her own, “When a man and woman are together, one will always end up giving more. The one who gives less might not always remember this, but if the one who gives more makes the other feel wronged someday, the other will start thinking, ‘Why should I put up with this?’ The more they think about it, the more unbearable it becomes, leading to arguments. And if neither is willing to compromise during the argument, how can they continue?”

Chen Chao asked curiously, “Why have you started thinking about these things?”

Xie Nandu ignored him and continued, “If neither side is willing to back down during an argument, that would be terrible.”

After thinking for a moment, Chen Chao finally spoke, “If it were me, I'd probably be the one to back down. When two people are together, it's not just about one issue. In this issue, you might feel wronged, but in other matters, you might have already made the other person feel wronged, and they might have tolerated it. If you're always unwilling to suffer a loss and always keen to argue, there's no way it can last long.”

Xie Nandu looked at him.

“Actually, when two people are together, if you give in on one thing and I give in on another, it all comes down to mutual affection. These things are all trivial and not worth fussing over. But when grievances arise, that's when restraint is needed.”

Chen Chao smiled and said, “Am I right?”

Xie Nandu replied calmly, “T

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