Chapter 463: Cultivation Has No Difference
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 463: Cultivation Has No Difference


The old monk seemed somewhat nostalgic. "I had many friends long ago, but they were always so arrogant, thinking they could accomplish anything on their own. That's why they died very quickly."

The girl glanced at the old monk, then looked up and said, "My friends are different from yours. At least they're not that foolish..."

"Well, actually, you're not that foolish either..."

The girl pondered for a moment and continued, "You're just a little scared of dying."

The old monk looked at the girl and said, "Don't be too confident. This matter is very dangerous, and it has been so many times before. I don't think you can change anything."

But the young girl did not agree, "Some things haven't been tried yet. How do you know they won't work? Besides... forget it, it's useless to talk to you about it. Just hide yourself."

The old monk remained silent, his silence making him seem more like a statue than a person.

"I'm not a great bodhisattva, I'm just a clay bodhisattva. It's hard enough for me to cross the river myself, let alone with others."

The old monk's expression was grim, without much joy of seeing an old friend. The girl couldn't be bothered to listen to his words. She simply summoned a spark of brilliant light at her fingertips and examined it closely.

After some time passed, the girl stood up and said, "Little monk, I'm leaving."

The old monk, who could hardly be called "little" anymore, and was an old monk a long time ago, opened his mouth to speak but ultimately said nothing.

The girl looked down at the monastery below with some disdain, then turned to glance at the old monk, smiling faintly. "Doing something interesting is what makes life worthwhile. Just living like this is meaningless. You don't understand this principle, even after living so many years."



Sword Qi Mountain was deep into midsummer, and naturally, the sound of cicadas was abundant. Chen Chao had been granted permission to roam freely on Sword Qi Mountain, which naturally caused discontent among many swordsmit

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