Chapter 462: The World Is Very Small, With Just a Few People
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 462: The World Is Very Small, With Just a Few People

One monarch had long been on the mountain path, not far from the Infatuation Daoist Temple, while the other monarch was still on his way up.

These two had met in the desolate north before, engaging in a battle with no clear winner.

Now, upon meeting again, there was an additional person, the Temple Master of the Infatuation Daoist Temple.

These three individuals could likely decide many things in this world.

Sometimes the world seemed vast, filled with countless people. Yet, at times, it felt small, requiring only two or three people to nod their heads to steer the direction of this world.

The Demon Emperor looked at the Great Liang Emperor still climbing the mountain and said with a smile, "You've indeed taken a few steps forward again."

The Great Liang Emperor also remarked, "And so did you."

The casually spoken words concealed terrifying information. Both monarchs had already advanced extremely far. For cultivators who had made such progress in cultivation, progressing further was a very difficult thing. However, from their conversation, it was not hard to guess that they had gained insights from their previous battle and had each taken another step forward.

This answer made the Temple Master furrow his brows.

The Demon Emperor chuckled, "When can we have another battle?"

The Great Liang Emperor looked at him calmly, "If you wish, today."

With those words, killing intent arose on the mountain path.

The Demon Emperor's emperor robe fluttered without wind, and a boundless demonic qi slowly emanated. Throughout the Infatuation Daoist Temple, all the cultivators sensed this terrifying aura. Everyone was stunned on the spot, and the Temple Master's expression turned grim. He could clearly feel that the Demon Emperor before him was now even more unrestrained than before.

The Great Liang Emperor stood on the mountain path, his expression unchanged, but his blood vitality surged like a deep abyss. His aura continued to climb to its peak, like a deity standing in the world. The aura of a peerless martial art

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