Chapter 464: Other Than Forging Swords
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 464: Other Than Forging Swords

Since the old man suggested that Chen Chao forge the sword, and Chen Chao happened to be curious to experience it, he did not refuse. However, the old man's way of sword forging was peculiar, and after Chen Chao agreed, he insisted on silence. Throughout the night, under a sky filled with stars, the old man and Chen Chao just watched quietly.

After the night passed, a red sun gradually rose over the distant mountains, casting its light upon the cliff. The old man slowly opened his eyes and smiled, "Take off your clothes."

Chen Chao was taken aback when he heard that, but quickly removed his black robe, revealing a torso covered in scars.

The old man took a glance and praised, "No wonder, turns out that you've also endured great hardships and struggled to survive."

Chen Chao did not say anything.

The old man tossed a hammer to Chen Chao to hold, then personally poured out the molten metal from the sword forge. Soon, the sword mold beside them was filled with molten metal. Then, using a pair of iron tongs, the old man lifted up the glowing red metal block and placed it in front of Chen Chao.

Without needing further instructions, Chen Chao brought the hammer down simultaneously on the metal block. Sparks flew everywhere, instantly burning holes in the old man's clothing, while the shirtless Chen Chao was left with a bright white mark on his skin where the sparks landed.

But it vanished in an instant.

To Chen Chao, this bit of pain was nothing. Having fought countless battles with the demons in the mountains and forests for years, his body was already covered in numerous scars.

The old man picked up a brilliant small hammer and gently guided it, striking the front of the metal block. Understanding the signal, Chen Chao continued hammering. Under the relentless blows of his hammer, the metal block continuously transformed and took shape.

The old man remained silent, merely adjusting the position of the metal block as needed.

As Chen Chao hammered the metal block, he could even hear the sound of a mountain spr

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