Chapter 445: Both Man and Woman are Scheming
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 445: Both Man and Woman are Scheming

After Chen Chao borrowed the momentum to retreat, he did not sheathe his saber. Instead, he kept advancing while carrying his saber, because the battle with the girl had inflicted significant trauma on him. He was afraid that if he sheathed his saber, he would not be able to draw it again later.

Chen Chao deliberately took a path through the forest instead of a regular route, leaving many false trails along the way. Having fought demons for many years, he was adept at such tactics. Even though he had not maneuvered through the forest to evade demons in a long time, he had not lost his touch. After running for several hours and covering hundreds of miles, Chen Chao finally slowed down. He walked a few steps forward and was about to sheathe his saber when he saw a familiar figure by a mountain stream.

The girl was standing by the stream, as if she had been waiting for a long time. When she saw Chen Chao approaching, she smiled and said, "Did you really think you could escape?"

Chen Chao was stunned and sat down on a nearby rock, sighing. "Do you really want to kill me?"

The girl remained silent, but with a single slap on a man-sized boulder next to her, the stone shattered instantly. Countless fragments shot towards Chen Chao. He swung his saber, deflecting a piece of debris heading for his forehead, and returned a piece of debris towards her. However, the fragment turned to dust before it could reach the girl.

Chen Chao was not surprised by this outcome. After enduring the girl's first wave of attack, he had no desire to continue fighting. Instead, he quickly retreated into the forest, disappearing from sight once more.

It was not that he could not defeat her. The truth was that they were evenly matched, and either one of them would have to pay a terrible price if they wanted to kill the other, possibly even ending in mutual destruction. Since that was the case, Chen Chao saw no point in continuing the fight. He had initially thought the girl would also back off, but she seemed rather relentless.

Thinking up

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