Chapter 446: Several Hundred Miles
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 446: Several Hundred Miles

On this night, both sides did not hold back, genuinely seeking to send the other to their demise. Countless towering trees which had been growing peacefully in the forest now fell one after another, covering the mountain with shattered wood. The forest echoed with continuous sounds, chaotic and tumultuous, accompanied by the continuous release of powerful qi, causing fear and trembling among the distant demons.

Great Beyond, Great Beyond, cultivators who could reach this level were almost all extraordinary talents. Moreover, these two were still so young; just one step away from reaching the final Nepenthe Realm.

The two kept fighting throughout the night, and as dawn approached, they finally separated. Chen Chao lowered his head to glance at his chest. His black shirt had been torn apart, and there was a bloodstain on his chest, although it had not penetrated deeply. The girl in front of him did not look any better. Her shoulder had been slashed by Chen Chao's saber, nearly resulting in him cutting through half of her body. But the girl with her exposed shoulder seemed indifferent. However, in Chen Chao's eyes, the originally blood-soaked shoulder was currently rapidly healing.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chao's expression turned grim. What kind of demon was she exactly?

The girl remained silent. After a brief pause, she leaped and behind her, a deep mountain spring suddenly surged, forming a water dragon that roared towards Chen Chao.

Chen Chao also raised his saber at the same time, a saber qi several dozen feet long forming in the palm of his hand, then appearing between heaven and earth. It suddenly pressed down, as if wanted to cleave apart heaven and earth.

The girl narrowed her eyes. At this point of the great battle, the fact that the opponent still possessed such abundant qi took her by surprise. However, it also made her rather happy. If the young martial artist in front of her was too weak, then there would not be much enjoyment for her. It was when the opponent grew stronger that she would feel more

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