Chapter 447.1: The Various Beauties of the Human World - Part 1
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 447.1: The Various Beauties of the Human World - Part 1

The Demon Emperor's journey southward should have been a sensational event that shook the entire world. But fortunately, the Demon Emperor had yet to make a move, and his demonic qi was well-concealed along the way. For someone of his stature, if he did not wish to reveal his whereabouts, it would be nearly impossible to detect him unless another figure of similar power was nearby.

As for the demon princess, although she had killed many during her journey south, she had rarely taken the initiative to attack and had not provoked any entities that she should not have. Therefore, not many people knew her whereabouts. Even Chen Chao, at this moment, only had an inkling that the girl came from an extraordinary background. He would never have guessed that she was the Demon Emperor's own daughter, the princess of the entire demon race.

The demon princess followed her father all the way south but had questions of her own. "Royal Father, what ultimately happened in the Demon Realm?"

After the Demon Emperor's great battle with that human monarch, she had been instructed by the Demon Emperor to leave the Demon Realm. She was not entirely sure of the current situation there.

The Demon Emperor shook his head and said indifferently, "It was never a significant issue. How could a bunch of worthless trash pose a threat to Us?"

The demon princess smiled. Her royal father's pride was something she was well aware of and had always known.

"Your brothers have been scheming with those people, trying to take Our throne. But they are all fools. Even if they really manage to kill Us, do they think they can hold the throne securely? "The demon race's emperor, bloodline is secondary; cultivation realm is paramount. These fools don't understand that. Even if they do manage to take Our place, how many days can they last?"

The Demon Emperor was expressionless. Among humans, the succession of the throne was often accompanied by endless intrigue and fratricide. In reality, the demon race was no different. For the throne, a father ceased to

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Translator Notes

[1. Hongxiu means Red Elegance]
[2. Xilu is tricky as it's from a poem. The literal translation means West Continent, but the understood meaning is Autumn.]