Chapter 444: Dragon Rearing Head
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 444: Dragon Rearing Head

Chen Chao with a saber in hand and Chen Chao without it are like heaven and earth.

Perhaps not many people know that the Great General who had been stationed in the Northern Frontier for decades and had now returned to the soil, was actually a master of the saber. However, he had not wielded a saber in years in the North and had not carried one since then, so not many are aware of this fact. In reality, this Great General had created thirteen forms of saber technique, yet they remain unnamed. When he previously imparted his technique to Chen Chao, he did not hold back but shared his secrets in its entirety.

There were plenty of martial artists in the Great Liang Dynasty who used sabers, but few truly regarded the saber as their life. Since Chen Chao was one of them, the Great General naturally took a liking to him. Before this, although Chen Chao also used a saber, he did not pay attention to saber techniques. With the Great General's thirteen forms in hand, his combat abilities had improved greatly. However, along the way here, he had not encountered a truly formidable opponent worth treating seriously. Hence, these thirteen saber forms were now being showcased to the world for the first time.

The girl had been keeping a distance from Chen Chao before he drew his saber, showing no intention of getting closer. While demons typically had stronger physiques than martial artists, this girl likely had other considerations, which was why she preferred not to get close to him.

Chen Chao began with the first form of the thirteen saber forms. Since the Great General had not named it, Chen Chao fittingly called it "Awakening From Hibernation." As soon as he unleashed Awakening From Hibernation, the saber's energy surged, slicing the ancient tree in front of him into two halves. Chen Chao then kicked the severed tree, sending it flying towards the girl.

The girl was unmoved by the ancient tree and made no movements. When the ancient tree arrived in front of her, it was shredded by her demonic qi, becoming irregular piec

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