Chapter 434: Let Those Who Deserve Death Die
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 434: Let Those Who Deserve Death Die

Chen Chao did not choose to leave this commandery city immediately. Although he did not intentionally wait for the new warden, when the prefect sent someone to invite him to his office, Chen Chao did not refuse either. He left the matters of the Warden's Office to the young constable named Li Shan.

Chen Chao was not the local warden nor did he have the intention of promoting him. But before leaving, he would naturally leave a letter for the new warden, informing him of what had happened. At the same time, he would also mention this Li Shan in the letter. Presumably, the days ahead for this young constable would be much better.

As for whether his career would continue to improve afterward, that would be hard to say.

The prefect of Ancient Mountain Commandery was a lean middle-aged man named Ma Nanshan. Upon meeting Chen Chao, the prefect did not show much enthusiasm. It seemed that he did not entirely approve of what Chen Chao had done at the Warden's Office previously. While executing Xu Xuanshan was one thing, hanging Xu Xuanshan's head in front of the Warden's Office was seen as excessive by the prefect.

"This official won't beat around the bush with Commander Chen either. In the past few years, I've sent a few reports to the Divine Capital concerning Xu Xuanshan. But even if Xu Xuanshan deserved punishment, is this going too overboard?"

Ma Nanshan looked at Chen Chao, showing no signs of fear despite Chen Chao's martial artist background.

Chen Chao nodded, speaking on his own, "In the 11th year of Tianjian, it was the first time Lord Ma submitted a report. Then in the 12th year, Lord Ma sent three reports in a row, but there was no response. It's like sending clay oxen into the sea. After that, it seems Lord Ma became disheartened and never submitted another report."

Ma Nanshan was taken aback. After hearing this sentence, he finally confirmed Chen Chao's identity and no longer doubted him. But he still could not help but complain, "I wonder if His Majesty has ever seen my reports. At the very least, they

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