Chapter 435.1: An Outsider Seeking Sword Inquisition - Part 1
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 435.1: An Outsider Seeking Sword Inquisition - Part 1

Yellow Dragon Prefecture was much better off than its neighboring White Deer Prefecture when it came to demon troubles, especially around Sword Qi Mountain, where it was hard to come across any demons. Moreover, the swordsmiths on the mountain did not disturb the people, so as time went on, the human population in the vicinity increased. After the founding of the Great Liang Dynasty, a new commandery was established here called Sword Proximity Commandery. The meaning was straightforward: close proximity to Sword Qi Mountain. In this commandery, which boasted the shortest history in the Great Liang Dynasty, many swordsmith workshops had emerged. They focused solely on forging swords, and some of these workshops were known for their excellent craftsmanship. It was said that several of these swordsmiths had previously worked on Sword Qi Mountain but left for various reasons to establish their own workshops. Of course, this claim was quite common among the swordsmiths at the foot of Sword Qi Mountain, almost all of whom boasted about having forged swords on Sword Qi Mountain. Sword Qi Mountain had no interest in debunking these claims, so the area was a mix of truth and falsehood, and one's ability to find hidden treasures there depended entirely on their own skills.

Three days ago, the Xu couple arrived in Sword Proximity Commandery. They visited over a dozen swordsmith workshops but could not find the flying sword they desired. Xu Bai felt somewhat discouraged, while Jiang Ying was even more anxious.

Originally, after getting the demonic antlers, she thought that she would be able to request a flying sword from Sword Qi Mountain no matter what. Putting the quality aside, just the flying swords that emerged from Sword Qi Mountain did not have any lousy ones. But now, her plans had fallen through. She had no choice but to accompany her husband and try their luck in this area.

Entering another swordsmith workshop, the two looked at dozens of flying swords displayed inside. Xu Bai could not help but sigh and shake his

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Translator Notes

[1. Decided to tweak it a bit, calling it a sword inquisition now. There is no straightforward meaning; kind of like affirming one's Sword Dao. It's like Seeking Dao in other novels? Except here, it's Seeking Sword.]