Chapter 431: The Word 'Like' Isn't Easy
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 431: The Word 'Like' Isn't Easy

The three cultivators were all at the Bitter Sea Realm. Despite their advantage in numbers, they did not last long against Chen Chao. Chen Chao did not even draw his saber; he swiftly defeated all three. Afterwards, he retrieved the skygold coins from their bodies and tossed them carelessly into the woods. It would not be long before the beasts in the mountains devoured their corpses.

The siblings watched the scene in silence, exchanging glances. After a while, the young man spoke somewhat ruefully, "Sir, you truly are a person of great ability."

The young girl remained dazed, perhaps deeply affected by what she had seen; a scene she would likely never forget.

Chen Chao chuckled, "If I didn't have some skill, I wouldn't dare to offer you guys help."

The young man looked at Chen Chao with admiration, his eyes scorching. There were words on the tip of his tongue, but he could not bring himself to say them.

In the following days, the three continued to chat occasionally, but the young man seemed burdened by something. However, Chen Chao pretended not to notice.

As they neared the commandery city, it was already dusk. Even if they reached the city, they would likely not be allowed in at this hour. So, they chose to spend another night outdoors. Chen Chao gathered some dry branches and lit a fire. After chatting with the siblings by the fire for a while, it was already late into the night.

"You two can go ahead and sleep. I assure you that when you wake up tomorrow, you'll find each other unharmed."

Chen Chao noticed the tension between the siblings. Perhaps as they approached the final moments, they became more cautious. The young man had been forcing himself to stay alert these past few days, but now, he was visibly exhausted. After struggling with his drooping eyelids for a moment, he finally fell asleep. The young girl took out a coat and covered her brother before calling out softly, "Sir."

Chen Chao looked at the young woman. In the flickering firelight, her rather attractive appearance seemed to gain an

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