Chapter 432: Borrow Your Head
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 432: Borrow Your Head

The constable took the badge and immediately felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds. Although there was no clear hierarchical relationship between the Left Guard and this Warden's Office, the person in front of him was a secondary fourth-ranked military official of the Great Liang Dynasty; much higher in rank than the Warden Xu. Moreover, ignoring the official position, just the two words "Chen Chao" were enough to make them take it very seriously. This was a martial official granted the right to bear arms by the decree of His Majesty the Emperor. In the Great Liang Dynasty, there was only this one martial official who had received such an honor.

Even the former Great General, when he retired to his hometown, was not granted such an honor.

The constable handed the badge back to the young martial artist in front of him with both hands, trembling with fear and trepidation. He no longer cared about reporting this and was about to welcome Chen Chao inside.

Chen Chao followed into the Warden's Office and casually asked, "Is Xu Xuanshan inside?"

Earlier, he had heard this Commander Chen ordering them to summon their Warden Xu out. Having served as a constable for several years, the constable was quick-witted and figured that perhaps their lord had failed to handle some task properly, which had angered this lord commander. However, he also knew that their warden was under the jurisdiction of the warden of the prefecture's office, and seemed to have no relation to this commander who came from the Divine Capital.

After all, the county magistrate was inferior to a superior in front of him, this was a simple truth that he understood.

The constable spoke cautiously, "Lord Xu has gone to the prefectural office for a report, but he should return today. Our warden can be considered diligent and responsible. The people around here have nothing but praise for him. Commander Chen, please wait a moment, this lowly official will immediately brew a pot of fine spring tea for Your Excellency."

Chen Chao narrowed his eyes and loo

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