Chapter 68: It’s Still Raining
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 68: It’s Still Raining

“Hey, brother.” A Venetian soldier, who was stuck indoors due to the raging storm, suddenly stood up and pressed his ear against the wall to listen closely. “I think I hear something outside.”

“Could our neighbors be going at it?” another slightly intoxicated soldier put down an alcohol bottle as he asked.

The Khitan Caesar.

The Priest King from the Eastern Lands.

The Scourge of God.

He was about to arrive at Water City Venice with his twin-headed eagle flag. Despite thinking that they could guard the city, the soldiers still couldn’t help but be intimidated.

They had heard from all kinds of channels news about the tragic plights that had befallen the Balkans and Anatolia. The more they heard, the more despair they felt…

Even if we succeed in holding Venice, how many of us will die in the battle?

Not knowing whether they would live to see the next daybreak, some of them took out their life savings in search of pleasure. Since a few days ago, it had become common to hear thumping sounds.

“No, that doesn’t sound like it,” the soldier with his ear pressed against the wall replied grimly after some thought, “It sounds like horse hooves?”

“You must be kidding!” The drinking soldier nearly died laughing. “We’re in Water City Venice! Who in the right mind would ride a horse here? And do you see the huge storm outside? Anyone galloping out there will just fall to their deaths…”


The voice slowly softened as the clobbering of horse hooves grew clearer despite the rain not letting up in the least. Eventually, they could clearly hear it outside the door.

“…” Everyone paled in fright.

“Those bastards!” the team leader cursed under his breath.

All the soldiers in the room picked up their schiavonescas and crossbows. A number of them drew crosses in front of them.
(Schiavonescas are a type of sword.)


The door was kicked open.

A sharp gale accompanied by heavy rain blew into the soldiers’ faces, chilling them down to their bones. However, what made their teeth clatter more were the silhouettes in the darkness.

Someone is

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