Chapter 67: Landing on Shore
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 67: Landing on Shore

Governor-General Giraud had made thorough preparations to fight Shu Yichao.

All eligible Venetians were mobilized for the battle, and a huge amount of helmets, swords, crossbows, and hand cannons were issued. Ditches and obstacles were prepared in the city, awaiting the arrival of the Khitans.

And just as she had anticipated, the typhoon arrived as well.

Before Shu Yichao could arrive with his troops, a typhoon swept through the Water City.

Thick storm clouds shrouded the sky, enveloping the usually vibrant city in darkness. The waters raged under the strong winds, and the rising humidity created a fog that refused to dissipate. Lightning flashed amidst thunderous roars, as heavy rain fell on every Venetian house and road.

The turbid rain and furious waves made the city look forbidding.

“This typhoon is exceptionally fierce,” Giraud murmured as she returned to her warm room.

She had intended to conduct a patrol to inspect the defense preparations, but as soon as she stepped out of her house, the bean-sized raindrops gushed down on her, making it hard for her to even open her eyes. The wind was also so strong that it could almost lift her from the ground.

She had no choice but to give up on her patrol.

Despite the terrible storm, she was overjoyed.

“This is great. At least the Khitans can’t launch an attack in the midst of such a heavy storm. Who knows? They might even sink into the sea with their ships!”

Amidst the choppy waters, thirty ships sailed forth with their sail fully puffed up. A blood twin-headed eagle flag glared conspicuously even amidst the darkness.

“Great Caesar,” a Genoese shouted over to Shu Yichao in disfluent Mandarin, “the winds are too strong! A single misstep might spell us being devoured by the sea! We should return and wait for the storm to die down first.”

The Genoese were on the verge of losing their minds.

They had known that Shu Yichao was a callous general, but they didn’t expect him to be a lunatic through and through.

No matter how valiant a navy was, its strength was bound to be i

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