Chapter 163: Iron Gate Pass
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 163: Iron Gate Pass

“We surr—”

The envoy was just about to speak when the person beside him slapped him.

“Surrender, your head! We are welcoming Great Tang’s heavenly soldiers back to their land! We, the citizens of Great Tang, have suffered greatly under the tyranny of those barbarians. Finally, the heavenly soldiers have come to rescue us!

“Bring out the head of the wretched Tibetan chieftain and welcome the heavenly soldiers in!”

Such scenes were happening throughout the Western Region.

There was no need for them to verify whether the Anxi army was coming for them or not. More often than not, the terracotta soldiers were already right outside their city gates before they had time to react.

Thus, the smaller nations in the Western Region swiftly surrendered.

Some of them even went as far as to dupe the Tibetans to a banquet and, using the smashing of a cup as a signal, diced them apart.

Eysh, we didn’t want to go this far either, but we needed something as proof of our surrender. Otherwise, the Anxi Protectorate General might come after us too.

Forgive me, all right? Be more careful when you befriend others in your next life. Don’t get backstabbed like that again.

Of course, there were also some who, for some inexplicable reason, thought that they could fend against the terracotta army with the thousand soldiers they had. There was no choice but to strongly persuade these people to surrender.

Those living served to boost Great Tang’s Anxi population, whereas those slaughtered were reanimated as undead to slave off for Shu Yichao.

Just like that, the newly-appointed Anxi Protectorate General claimed the three major cities south of Tian Shan in just a few months, slicing the Tibetan Empire’s influence in the Western Region by half.

But this was only the beginning.

The Tibetan Empire had been cruelly suppressing those under their rule for years now, which made their rule unstable as if they were sitting on powder kegs. Many desired to rebel, but none had been able to light the spark thus far.

But now, someone had succeeded in lighting

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