Chapter 164: Archmage of Holysnow
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 164: Archmage of Holysnow

Flames burst forth, releasing puffs of black smoke.

The towering metal walls that looked permanently embedded in the snowscape were shrouded in flames and black smoke. Screams and war cries filled the air, as weapons clashed nonstop.

The Tibetan soldiers were in a fluster. Their eyes were filled with despair and fear. Many of them even carried bloodied wounds.

“Save me!”

“Please have mercy on me!”

“Lord Ghosts, please spare my life!”

“You bastards!”

“Those goddamned vengeful spirits!”

The usually lofty Tibetan soldiers and mages looked like rats who had their nests flooded in water. They scrambled around in a fluster, often stepping on one another.

The reason behind their pandemonium was obvious. One just had to look at the skull-faced terracotta soldiers armed with bone swords and the specters flitting amongst them.

“How did this happen?!” the chief commander of Iron Gate Pass bellowed as he watched in horror as his base fell into shambles.

Rewinding time a few hours back, Iron Gate Pass was still as lofty and impregnable as ever. Undead troops that dared to approach it were smashed into smithereens before falling down the steep cliffs.

There was just one tiny problem—there was no end to the undead army!

The Tibetan soldiers shot all their arrows and tossed all their rocks, and the mages emptied every potion bottle they had… but they still fell short of eradicating the terrifying army of undead! There was still no end in sight to the undead army!

How could there be such a terrifying calamity?!

When the soldiers had exhausted themselves; when the warriors could no longer swing their weapons; when the mages were feeling light-headed from mental fatigue…

…the undead suddenly stacked their bones in front of Iron Gate Pass to form a massive ramp, and then they charged right onto the walls!

The merry specters went around depleting the mana of artifacts that were still operational.

The terracotta soldiers hunted down every living being who was still able to move.

The Tibetan chief commander rallied the soldiers together

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