Chapter 162: The Tsenpo’s Countermeasure
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 162: The Tsenpo’s Countermeasure

Everything eventually calmed down.

Shu Yichao got the mount he wanted.

The sand monitor tried to resist him, but it quickly became obedient once the beast taming harness was placed around its neck.

<Beast Taming Harness: Reduces the hostility of the beast. Raises the proficiency of the riding skill.>

“Heh!” Shu Yichao patted the sand monitor’s head. “Strong and fast; that’s a mount for you!”

He eyed its attributes.

“Oh? It’s a female. I wonder if it lays eggs. If it does, I won’t have to change my mount anymore. Brothers, it’s time to change your mounts!”

The other sand monitors were also resistant at first, but the surrender of their leader, the modao pressing against their necks, and the cold aura of the undead quickly convinced them to give in.

On top of that, Shu Yichao received an unexpected gift.

“Soul Summoning has leveled up again? I can now conjure specters… That doesn’t seem too useful…” he murmured. “No, I can use it to disgust the enemy mages. Also, it doesn’t look like I have maxed out Soul Summoning yet. Can I level it further?”


System 12345 was amazed when it saw the Lizard Queen’s loyalty being maxed out.

【My host, you’re incredible.】

It thought that its plan was despicable as it was, but its host went even further.

Look at this massive emotional fluctuation. The Lizard Queen was first moved before being overwhelmed by fear and despair. Then, she was moved again before the only thing left was unshakable loyalty.

【My host, did you drug her and… Tsk tsk tsk!】

My host must have latched onto the Lizard Queen and refused to let her go. Along the way, he kept ramming at her wavering defense line until she eventually succumbed.

Ah, what a terrible man he is!

I bet the road to Khotan is now slick with fluids.

【And that isn’t even all…】

System 12345 noticed that the Lizard Queen had a suitor accompanying her on this journey.

The suitor must have been presenting gifts and showing concern to the Lizard Queen outside the tent, trying his best to please her, not knowing that she was being ravaged in

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