Chapter 126: Those Pathetic Slaves Dream of Rebelling?
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 126: Those Pathetic Slaves Dream of Rebelling?

At Shule…

“DAMN IT!!!” City Lord Rajmaya slammed her fist on her little table, jolting the items on it.

A plate of piping-hot naan fresh from the fire, a platter of delectable roasted lamb, and a cup of fine alcohol; all of these fine delicacies were smashed to the ground.

Rajmaya cursed with reddened eyes, “Those damned Tang slaves! Accursed remnants of the Shu clan! They aren’t going to let it rest, are they?!”

She would have never thought that a remnant of the massacred Shu clan would suddenly appear years later and wreak havoc. Even more so, she could have never imagined that Bikna, whom she greatly valued, would fall for their dirty tricks and be taken down…

She assumed that Bikna must have fallen for the enemies’ tricks, for there was no way someone as valiant as her could have been defeated in a frontal battle. There was no doubt that the Shu clan had resorted to underhanded methods!

Recalling Bikna’s lifeless words through the transmission tool made her heart ache.

“Dispatch our troops right now!” Rajmaya roared. “We have to rescue Bikna!”

Bikna was the leader of her personal guards, as well as an esteemed warrior recognized by all in Shule. She couldn’t afford to lose such a hero!

“It should still be possible to salvage the situation…”

Rajmaya tried to calm down and analyze the situation.

First, we have massacred most of the Shu clansmen. There won’t be that many of them left. They could rally the bandits, the other Tang slaves, as well as the other races’ slaves to join their cause, but their army will be lackluster nevertheless.

I reckon they only have 200 to 300 soldiers at most.

Bikna is a formidable warrior, not to mention she has a team of veterans with her. She should be able to put up a fight even when caught by surprise. At least, she should be able to stall for time.

Also, there’s a talented apothecary I have been wanting to recruit living at the place where Bikna’s expedition team headed to. I have been sending valuables over now and then, so I don’t think Baysema would turn a blind eye to Bikn

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