Chapter 125: Think Win-Win-Win
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 125: Think Win-Win-Win

Miazova clicked its tongue as it watched as Bikna was trampled by the White-haired Ghost Horsemen. It finally understood why Shu Yichao was so confident of conquering the Western Region within ten years.

His sea of skeletons was terrifying. It could even wear down a hero-class warrior and kill her.

I never thought that Shu Yichao could raise an undead calamity in this world… though I still don’t understand how a human skeleton could crawl out of a dead chicken’s carcass.

“Grandson, can’t you do it any faster?” Miazova asked Shu Yichao.

It had no idea how Shu Yichao was able to blatantly violate the laws of the world to raise the dead, but it knew that he had to quickly settle things. Otherwise, the consciousness of the world would quell the undead calamity when it finally noticed this anomaly.

“Of course!” Shu Yichao grinned. He tapped into his city construction interface. “I have already promised to carry you; you can leave it all to me!”

It just so happened that yet another building had finished construction.

“I’m finally able to summon specters!”

While he could slowly wear down a hero-class warrior with his sea of skeletons, this strategy might not be as effective against a hero-class mage. That was why he needed specters.

I conceded that your spells are formidable, but what are you going to do after my specters siphon away all your mana?

<You have met the conditions to level up.>

“Hm?” Shu Yichao tapped into his profile. “Does killing heroes give out that many experience points? I leveled up again.”

<You may either obtain a new talent or upgrade an existing talent.>

“Isn’t the answer obvious?”

What else could be more useful than my ‘Soul Summoning’ talent here?

Shu Yichao unhesitatingly made his choice. “I’ll upgrade an existing talent!”

<You have upgraded talent ‘Soul Summoning’.>

<Soul Summoning is currently at level 2. You can reanimate deceased allied units and 30% of deceased non-allied units as skeleton soldiers or ghouls.>

<You can reanimate deceased non-allied hero units as zombies, re

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