Chapter 124: Changing Words
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 124: Changing Words

Bikna was still wondering who would cause such a huge commotion, devouring villages and attacking the city lord’s guards—weren’t they afraid of the Tibetan Empire’s iron fist?

But now, she wasn’t surprised at all.

The one causing trouble is a Shu? Ah, then it all makes sense.

But no matter how big of a ruckus this Shu little mage has caused, it’s all over now. What else could be the outcome of a mage facing a warrior in close quarters?

Even if the mage is armored, they won’t last long against a warrior. The energy and mana consumption for casting spells is quite significant, after all.

Any Tang slave with the family name of ‘Shu’ would usually be killed on the spot in the Tibetan Empire, but Bikna also understood the concept of pretty privilege.

If this vile little mage kneels down right now to apologize and beg me to spare him… I might still consider it. Provided he brings out his sincerity, of course.

For instance…

Bikna gulped down her saliva.

To her surprise, her opponent showed none of a mage’s fluster when encountering a warrior in close quarters. Instead…


A brilliant white light crashed down on her with the momentum of a meteor storm.

“WHAT?!” Bikna’s face warped in the face of this shocking glare.

How is it that a mage wields such force?!

She quickly raised her enchanted sword to fend against the falling modao, but a frightening spell fell on her at the same time.


Bikna felt like someone had slammed a hammer into her chest, and she was sent flying like a kite that had its thread snipped.


Fresh blood spurted from her mouth, looking like a mesmerizing rose that blossomed in mid-air.


Bikna crashed into the ground. Her vision darkened, and she felt like a thousand flies were buzzing in her head.

“H-how is this possible?!”

Bikna was astounded. How could a fifteen-year-old pretty boy wield such terrifying strength?!

His strength is definitely hero class!

Tak tak, tak tak!

Horse hooves could be heard approaching from the distance, and it sounded like there w

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