Book 05 Chapter 042.1: Void for Void, Part 1
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 05 Chapter 042.1: Void for Void, Part 1

He Who Knows Fate: Kal’tsit, Kal’tsit.

Kal’tsit: Doctor has explained everything. Should I also call you darling? And should there be kisses, hugs, and lifts?

He Who Knows Fate: I admit I was wrong. It won’t happen again.

Ding! Kal’tsit uploaded a video.

Upon opening the video, Chen Heng saw Doctor hanging in the air in a gloomy room, suspended by a rope and spinning continuously, much like a fan. Muffled noises came from her mouth; apparently, she had been gagged.

Furthermore, if Chen Heng saw right, the suspended Doctor was spinning increasingly faster.

He Who Knows Fate: I hope she is fine.

Kal’tsit: Huh?

He Who Knows Fate: It serves her right.

Magus of Flowers: After witnessing the whole process, I have something to say.

He Who Knows Fate: Shut up. If you don’t want to be muted for 24 hours, don’t say anything.

Magus of Flowers: I’ll shut up! I’ll shut up!

Workaholic Gil: Is this chat group usually this merry?

Solomon: It’s Glitter! I wouldn’t say there’s anything wrong with being merry. After all, once you join this group, life can be very easy unless there are special circumstances. The benefits are truly fantastic.

Magus of Flowers: It’s easy for you all who lounge around all day, unlike me, who’s always on a mission.

Solomon: That’s because you’re saving money to buy the fate-severing talisman. If you didn’t have that burden, you’d be even more idle than me.

King Wolffy: In this group, I just need to check in daily to enjoy an endless supply of lambs. This is simply too blissful. Those strange sheep from the Classic of Mountains and Seas are just too expensive; I can’t afford them at all. I can only occasionally take on manufacturing world commissions to accumulate points slowly.

17-Year-Old Beautiful Young Lady: Those sheep from the Classic of Mountains and Seas…they’re not just any mere sheep! What’s this about a manufacturing world commission?

King Wolffy: Ah! According to the association’s store, some tasks don’t require association members to complete. Al

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