Book 02 Chapter 008: More Reasons to Find a Ley Line
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 02 Chapter 008: More Reasons to Find a Ley Line

“Sesame bun? Doctor, I prepared that for Sempai…never mind. Doctor, carry on eating.” Mash wanted to scold Doctor Roman, but she retracted her words when she saw the feast before her.

“Mash, you have grown into an understanding child…Nom! Nom!” Doctor Roman gorged himself on food in anger out of his grief at missing out.

“I did not expect Mister He Who Knows Fate’s cooking to be so delicious! If cooking skills appeared as a personal skill, it would at least be a B. This is the first time I have experienced the deliciousness of Chinese food!” Mash marveled at the food.

“This is the first time I have eaten such delicious Chinese food. The Chinese food I previously had in Japan was not even half as delicious as this.”

“Yes! Yes! It is indeed delicious! Only, we seemed to have lost control earlier.” Jeanne d’Arc grew up in a village and usually ate things like black bread. How could she get to taste something so delicious? That was why Jeanne d’Arc had kept her head lowered and frantically shoveled food into her mouth. She had eaten at least four bowls of rice.

[TL Note: Black bread is a simple rye bread made using sourdough starter and rye meal. It was the staple during the Middle Ages, often eaten by the masses due to its low cost and filling nature. Due to how it is made, it tends to be pretty hard and has a long shelf life. You can read more about it in this Wikipedia entry:]

Fou…! Fou…! Fou…!

“Even Fou thinks that the food is delicious?” Mash extended her hand to pet Fou.

“I would like to taste what Mash classified as B-ranked cooking,” Doctor Roman moaned in the distant Chaldea.

“Doctor, just wait for next time. We can send items when we find a ley line. I’ll cook more the next time and send some over.” Without a ley line, Chen Heng could not set up a summoning ritual. Without a summoning ritual, he could not summon Merlin. Hence, Chen Heng offered them an incentive to find a ley line.

[TL Note: According to Fate/Grand Order’s lore: A ley line is magical

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