Chapter 663 - The Captured Mastermind
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 663 - The Captured Mastermind (Teaser)

As Seoul lay in ruins following a cataclysmic earthquake, with the city echoing with cries of anguish, a small group of about a dozen people was fleeing from the devastated city, making their way to a small hill on the outskirts that had somehow survived the destruction.

This hill was almost reduced to fragments, with tree debris scattered and broken rocks everywhere, making progress difficult. However, from this vantage point, the entirety of Seoul's devastation was visible.

"Ha ha... ha ha ha ha!!! I did it, I succeeded! This is all a sacrifice to the great gods, summoning their descent with the blood and souls of this city!"

Lee Uijin exclaimed, spreading his arms wide and laughing maniacally as he gazed upon the devastated Seoul.

His eyes were bloodshot, with the whites almost completely blackened, resembling a horror movie monster, terrifying to behold.

"Spiritual leader, we did it!"

The dozen or so followers surrounding Lee Uijin were core members of his cult, his most faithful adherents. They too cheered as they looked upon the