Chapter 664 - The Evil God Beyond the Door
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 664 - The Evil God Beyond the Door (Teaser)

The blood-red mist spread through the ruins of Seoul. Even from this hill on the outskirts, the screams of the surviving citizens at the city's edge could be heard.

The commander who had captured Lee Uijin angrily grabbed his neck, lifting him close to his face, spitting as he yelled, "What the hell did you do?!"

He glared at Lee Uijin, their eyes locking. But in the end, the commander shivered and his grip on Lee Uijin's neck weakened.

Lee Uijin's gaze was too terrifying—insane, deranged, devoid of humanity. It was like looking into the eyes of a hopelessly insane person in a mental asylum, someone with a complete lack of ethics and morals.

This man could no longer be called human. Calling him an animal would be an insult to animals, as even they had emotions. This man had lost all feelings, holding only a mad belief in the evil gods.

His sanity was utterly depleted.

"Heh heh heh, hahahaha!! What did I do? You'll soon find out. Hahahaha, victory is mine, victory is mine. Everyone must die!!"

Lee Uijin laughed maniacally, baring his t