Chapter 662 - The Decline of a Nation
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 662 - The Decline of a Nation (Teaser)

The earthquake center suddenly fell silent, as numerous staff members turned their gaze toward the leadership, enveloped in a heavy silence.

"The energy impact of this Seoul earthquake surpassed Russia's Tsar Bomba test. However, the destruction caused by an earthquake differed from that caused by nuclear weapons. The direct destructive force of a nuclear weapon was not as horrifying as its nuclear fallout," explained the military representative, addressing the silent room with a dry throat. He then quickly pulled out his phone to make a call.

"Yes, it's me. Prepare to transport some supplies from the warehouse. We need to conduct humanitarian aid for South Korea. Also, notify the higher-ups that we might have to deploy troops to South Korea if necessary."

He conveyed the information from the earthquake center before continuing, "This incident in Seoul showed the terrifying potential of these mysterious forces. Creatures like the Burrowing Beneath could cause city-destroying earthquakes underground, and we currently had no way to coun