Chapter 83: What Did You Do To Me?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 83: What Did You Do To Me?

Staring at Gao Ming for a while, the voice in the big dog said tiredly, “This should be your first time in the shadow city, right? It is the shadow of the real world. It collects the memories and nightmares forgotten by the real world. There is no happiness and light here, only despair, death and darkness.”
“What does that have to do with you trapping those people?” Gao Ming felt like the blind man knew many things. Even though he couldn’t see or hear, his heart could sense many things.

“Whenever a monster twisted by shadow opens its eyes, it would be injected a thought by this world.” The big dog lay on the ground, “This shadow city is dying. We need more living humans in this city. When there are more living humans than ghosts, tragedy will cease, and monsters like me can find real salvation.”

“You need to have more living humans than ghosts?!” Gao Ming looked at the empty city. “Then, how many humans do you need? One thousand? Ten thousand? There doesn’t look like there’s any ghost here.”

“Your eyes have too much hope. Only eyes with despair can see them.” Big Dog opened his jaw. “Don’t resist. Let me help you.” The giant mouth swallowed Gao Ming. He was enveloped by frost. What kind of nightmare would a blind and deaf person have? There was no shape, colour or sound. Only darkness and despair.

Gao Ming sank into the nightmare until he reached the bottom, which appeared to connect to the other world. The blind man shared his senses with Gao Ming. When their hearts beat at the same time, they opened their eyes. At that moment, Gao Ming was stunned.

The empty city changed. Endless nightmares were going out of control. There were screams everywhere. Black fog covered the sky. Broken buildings and tombs dropped from the sky. They seemed to represent forgotten memories. At the end of the sea of fog, there was an island carried by a giant whale. Every soul in this world was attracted to it. They tried their best to climb to that island.

Further down, a bloody city stood deep inside the world. Gao Ming felt so small compared to it.

“Did you count how many ghosts there are?”

Gao Ming was spat out. His eyes were still in shock. He hadn’t recovered from what he saw.

“Is that the real shadow world?” After seeing the shadow world, Gao Ming finally understood why Xuan Wen was so tried after she brought him home that night.

“I’ve seen that world long ago in my nightmare. It was calling me. When I opened my eyes, I became like this.” The big dog picked Gao Ming up. “If you’re on reality’s side, kill as many ghosts as you can; If you’re on shadow’s side, then help me bring more humans here.” The big dog pointed two paths for Gao Ming. Actually, in Gao Ming’s death memories, some of the humans had already cooperated with the monsters in the shadow world. They worked together to throw the city into chaos.

“How could living humans be more than the ghosts? Unless the two worlds overlap, this is an impossible mission!”

“There are not that many ghosts. Perhaps you have not seen them before. They are corrupted by hatred. Compared to them, monsters like me are just humans assimilated into the shadow world…” The voice suddenly stopped. The big dog knocked his chest like something was stuck there. Soon, Gao Ming noticed something strange too. After he was spat out by the big dog, he could still sense the blind man’s heartbeat. When the blind man paired his heart with Gao Ming’s two hearts, it seemed to trigger the God of Flesh and Blood’s power.

“Did I eat something dirty?” The big dog’s fur shivered like waves. His red eyes stared at Gao Ming, “What did you do to me?”

“I have no idea!” Gao Ming’s heart contained the God of Flesh and Blood. All the torture devices clang. The blood crawled out of the cellar. God sensed the presence of food.

“Ghost? You already carry a ghost on you!” The big dog sensed something. Its giant body crawled into the cellar and disappeared into the silence and darkness.

“This is a misunderstanding!” Gao Ming pleaded. After the God of Flesh and Blood twisted Doctor Lu’s memories into chains, it was exhausted. When the blind man resonated with the heart of flesh, it caused the God of Flesh and Blood to assume that it was a sacrifice.

“This is bad.” Gao Ming looked at the cellar and jumped back into it. He still needed to save Wei Dayou and kill Qing Ge. It was not the time to leave. When he entered the cellar for the second time, Gao Ming realised he hadn’t lost his sight and hearing. As his heart beat, his sense of smell became stronger. Gao Ming took out his phone to look around.

Gao Ming realised there were a lot of rotten fruits and food at the entrance. There was a wordless tombstone among the paper money. Before the tombstone, there were many messages to plead for forgiveness.

“What’s the point of doing this when the person is already dead?”

The blind man was generous. If it were any other ghosts, they would have exited the cellar and started a massacre.

Someone dug a passage that went straight down the cellar. There were many talismans on the wall and torn fabric on the ground. Gao Ming felt the talisman look familiar. “These are similar to the talismans at Si Sui Apartments. Did Situ An get people to paste these there? Why did he send these kids into the cellar?”

Gao Ming couldn’t understand the words on the talismans, and the blood thickened. Soon, he encountered the first body. It was an investigator from Queens. It reeked of mothballs. His eyes were pierced by metal rods, and his eyes had no pupils.
“Did he not choose to follow the stench? He followed the jacket man…”

In the darkness, there was danger everywhere. No matter what, the big dog was with the shadow world. He would not be kind to humans. Turning the corner, the talismans and pictures became more complicated. They appeared to look like depictions of ancient blood sacrifices.

“It looks like Situ An has been here a long time ago. Did he want to use this way to gain the blind man’s help?”

There were more dead bodies in the tunnel. Some were beaten to death. Their bloated bodies reeked of tea olives; Some were burned and died in the fire; Some killed themselves.

Gao Ming thought the blind man was kind, but after seeing this, he changed his mind. The blind man was only kind to those who saved his mother.

At the deepest part of the cellar, Gao Ming saw many people standing around.

Most of them stood there numbly. Their eyes had no pupils, and their bodies trembled. They were still trapped in the illusions. However, there was one exception. Qing Ge held knives and kept his eyes closed. Around him were all chopped-up carcasses.

Gao Ming had no idea what was going on. He aimed the light on his phone at Qing Ge to take a closer look. A strange thing happened, Qing Ge held his knives and moved towards the light.,

“Is he still in the illusion or not?”
After some thoughts, Gao Ming came to a decision. It didn’t matter if Qing Ge was still trapped in the hallucinations or not. He had to kill him then.

“I won’t get this chance so easily again.”

Gao Ming swayed his phone. The approaching Qing Ge was like a moth coming to the flame.

Novel Notes

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