Chapter 83: What Did You Do To Me?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 83: What Did You Do To Me?

Staring at Gao Ming for a while, the voice in the big dog said tiredly, “This should be your first time in the shadow city, right? It is the shadow of the real world. It collects the memories and nightmares forgotten by the real world. There is no happiness and light here, only despair, death and darkness.”
“What does that have to do with you trapping those people?” Gao Ming felt like the blind man knew many things. Even though he couldn’t see or hear, his heart could sense many things.

“Whenever a monster twisted by shadow opens its eyes, it would be injected a thought by this world.” The big dog lay on the ground, “This shadow city is dying. We need more living humans in this city. When there are more living humans than ghosts, tragedy will cease, and monsters like me can find real salvation.”

“You need to have more living humans than ghosts?!” Gao Ming looked at the empty city. “Then, how many humans do you need? One thousand? Ten thousand? There doesn’t look like there’s any ghost here.”

“Your eyes have too much hope. Only eyes with despair can see them.” Big Dog opened his jaw. “Don’t resist. Let me help you.” The giant mouth swallowed Gao Ming. He was enveloped by frost. What kind of nightmare would a blind and deaf person have? There was no shape, colour or sound. Only darkness and despair.

Gao Ming sank into the nightmare until he reached the bottom, which appeared to connect to the other world. The blind man shared his senses with Gao Ming. When their hearts beat at the same time, they opened their eyes. At that moment, Gao Ming was stunned.

The empty city changed. Endless nightmares were going out of control. There were screams everywhere. Black fog covered the sky. Broken buildings and tombs dropped from the sky. They seemed to represent forgotten memories. At the end of the sea of fog, there was an island carried by a giant whale. Every soul in this world was attracted to it. They tried their best to climb to that island.

Further down, a bloody city stood deep inside the world. Gao Ming felt so sma

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