Chapter 82: A Job
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 82: A Job

Gao Ming didn’t leave. As he took care of the woman, he became more familiar with the cellar. Everything seemed more real. His hearing and sight didn’t recover, but light returned to his heart. Even if he couldn’t see or hear, he wasn’t afraid. The familiar stench became heavier. The hand held Gao Ming weakly. She was bedridden, and Gao Ming had to do everything.

Gao Ming had one goal, which was to accompany the woman on the last leg of her life. However, he discovered the spots for many things in the cellar started to change. The woven mats were stolen as well. There were other people other than he and the sick woman in the cellar.

Gao Ming paid attention to this, and one day, he managed to grab a thin arm. Then, he was shoved to the ground by a bunch of kids.

“Are the village kids purposely causing trouble?”

Gao Ming chased after them, but suddenly, he knocked his head on the cellar ceiling. He was very close to the exit. He could leave if he wanted too. The sound of rain and approaching light were luring him to leave. When a normal person was trapped inside a soundless darkness and saw the exit, it would be like seeing hope. Their footsteps would involuntarily move forward. But at that moment, Gao Ming smelled something burning.

A fire was lit behind him. The thick smoke was spreading!
“Behind me is the cellar. My saviour is still in there!”

A new choice was presented to Gao Ming. Was he to leave or turn back?

Gao Ming had to make the decision immediately. He could only triangulate the woman’s location with his nose. Once the smoke became too thick, all the smells would be overshadowed. Gao Ming turned around. He raced in the dark and shouted soundlessly. He had no idea if the woman could hear him or not. He just wanted to make sounds so the woman knew there was a fire.

The flames might be an accident, or the kids lit something on fire. The thick smoke billowed. Gao Ming reached his hands into the flames, and he smelled burning flesh. If he turned back now, he could still escape. The barely-discernible pa

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