Chapter 81: Regret
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 81: Regret

After entering the black cellar, Gao Ming met four hands. The first hand probably belonged to the blind man. He dragged Gao Ming deeper into the cellar and into the shadow world.

The second hands belonged to a middle-aged couple. They appeared to be the blind man’s parents. They kept beating him, chasing him away.

The third hand probably belonged to a human trafficker. They wanted to turn the kid into a beggar.

The fourth hand brought the blind man security. It was the fourth hand that raised the blind man.

She cooked for him and taught him how to earn money. She was probably not related to him. She was probably being kind. In this colourless and soundless world, the hand was like the straw for the drowning man. While he learned how to weave bamboo baskets and rugs, Gao Ming kept trying to imagine the person. This kind person did not appear in the records of the Dog Cellar Case.

“What happened after that?”
The hand tapped his shoulders. It was anxious and forced Gao Ming to learn faster. It was nervous about something. Gao Ming had a bad feeling. He tried to identify the stench. The smell was light. It was not the smell of body odour or dead body. It smelled more like ammonia.

Gao Ming thought of a possibility. Patients with kidney illness couldn’t secrete body waste normally. Water-solvent toxins might circulate through the body with the blood. When she breathes or perspires, she might release the smell of ammonia.

“Her illness could be serious.”

For the blind man, this rope from heaven might be pulled back at any moment.

“What can I do?” In the memory made up of smells, Gao Ming couldn’t do anything. The hand taught Gao Ming how to survive in the dark and silence. The stench from the woman thickened too.

“There is only the smell of food at home and never the smell of medicine. Did she sacrifice herself to save the blind man?”

Gao Ming couldn’t see her face or hear her. Gao Ming could only remember her kindness and her light stench. Until now, he didn’t know her name and voice. Slowly, Gao Ming realised

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