Chapter 80: Four Hands
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 80: Four Hands

The hand had no temperature of the living. It was covered with callouses and scabs. Dirt lingered inside the nails. The nails were bitten. The edges were uneven. In complete darkness, the hand was the only thing that could provide Gao Ming with information.

“With hearing and sight gone, the madman used his hands to feel the world even though his world might just be an abandoned cellar.” The five fingers suddenly moved to grab Gao Ming. It was like a beast dragging Gao Ming deeper into the cellar. Gao Ming covered his head. He couldn’t tell the direction. Several minutes later, he fell in the mud. There was still absolute darkness around him. There was no sound. Gao Ming climbed up and moved down in a random direction. He moved for some time but still hadn’t found the wall.

“Where am I?”

Gao Ming retraced his steps and knelt on the ground. After he got used to using his sight and ears to understand the world, being deprived of them instilled fear in his heart. This was human nature.

“The hand’s owner didn’t kill me. He probably wanted me to do something for me.” Gao Ming didn’t give up. He grabbed a handful of dirt, rubbed it and put it to his nose. He smelled the smell of dirt after rain. At the same time, he touched a blade of grass.”

“The cellar is hidden underground and filled with mud. The soil here shouldn’t have this smell.”

He couldn’t see or hear, but Gao Ming could still smell and touch.

“The madman killed by the villagers in the dog cellar case was a deaf and blind man. I’m experiencing his life.”

Eventually, Gao Ming detected the fragrance of tea olive flowers. The fragrance could alleviate depression and was used in treatment for patients with anger issues.

Gao Ming stood up and moved towards the fragrance. But before he could get close, he was kicked down. Belt, chairs, and punches fell on him. He couldn’t see anything, but he could feel the pain. Gao Ming escaped until he couldn’t smell the tea olives anymore. Then, the beating stopped.

“Why would the tea olive smell represent beating? Does

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