Chapter 84: Mom
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 84: Mom

Many different smells entered his nose. Qing Ge didn’t expect that he would still be dragged into the shadow world after so many humans had been sacrificed.

“This monster’s appetite is getting bigger and bigger.”

After losing his sight and hearing, it was like he was trapped inside a cage. However, Qing Ge wasn’t afraid. His confidence came from the black knife he was holding. The blade itself wasn’t black. It was merely stained with blood. It was wiped with talismans daily, so it resonated with evilness.

“Every smell represents a person. I can’t tell if they’re good or not. But as long as I kill everyone who gets close to me, eventually I can leave.”

Bo Wan Village’s Dog Cellar was a place Situ An valued a lot. He didn’t care about the power of the monster inside the dog cellar. He wanted something else. When Han Hai Charity built the temporary school, they heard from the locals that a madman once lived inside the dog cellar. Because his ‘bamboo mother’ was burned by kids, the madman hated children. He kidnapped the village children and tortured them to death. Qing Ge thought back to Situ An’s order. The basic prerequisite to borrowing afterlife longevity was children who were tortured by ghosts. The crueller the torture, the better. He needed to get the kids to give up their lives. Then, Qing Ge could harvest the kids’ afterlife longevity.

Qing Ge knew Situ An had exhausted his afterlife longevity based on the deeds the man did. To help Situ An survive, he had to carry out the children's carcasses.

The sacrifice had been carried out several times, but the villagers and children sent into the cellar always disappeared. When they checked the cellar in the morning, only footprints and tattered shirts remained. To snatch back the bodies of the children, Qing Ge had to come at night. However, when he entered the cellar, he noticed this anomaly was different from what he expected. The black blade had killed many people. Even though Qing Ge couldn’t see, he could feel that dead bodies had piled up around him. Howe

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