Chapter 85: Liu Yi
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 85: Liu Yi

Putting away the picture of the big dog, Gao Ming looked at the numb-looking Wei Dayou, “Why is Dayou thrown out? Is it because the blind man knows he’s my friend?”

After some time, Wei Dayou’s eyes returned to normal. When he saw Gao Ming, he started to cry. The 1.8-metre tall muscle man looked like he was wrong.

“I kept calling your name. I was about to lose my mind. I felt like I had survived a century in darkness.” Wei Dayou wiped away his tears. “I was scared that you’d be trapped too, but I had no one else to call upon.”

It was hard for a normal person to become blind suddenly.

“Sorry for putting you through it.” Gao Ming helped Wei Dayou. He still hadn’t recovered fully. “But we can’t go home now. More precisely, you can’t go home.”


“Because the investigators you came with have all been trapped. If you return alone, you’ll be targeted by Situ An.” Gao Ming was realistic. “I’ve killed Qing Ge, essentially removing the nail Situ An had planted in the centre. I also killed the doctor he trusted.”

“Good! Qing Ge is not human!” Wei Dayou was furious when he thought of that man. He was pushed into the cellar by Qing Ge too.

“The problem is… Situ An will investigate this. Do you have the confidence to lie to him?” Gao Ming’s main goal was to get Wei Dayou to keep an eye on Situ An. However, Wei Dayou was so good at his job that Qing Ge instantly brought him along on a mission.

Gao Ming got Wei Dayou to calm down. “We’ll practice this. I’ll ask you a few questions. You have to hide the truth.” After a simple test, Gao Ming realised that Wei Dayou was a surprisingly good liar.

“I’m panicking a bit.” Wei Dayou paced around. “Should I go into hiding for a while?”

“This is good too. Just in case.” Gao Ming patted his shoulders. “But don’t worry too much. Situ An won’t survive for long. Then, you’ll be the hero who exposes him.” They left the temporary housing area. The storm washed away their traces. The truth would forever be left inside the cellar.

After a long tour, they took a taxi back to the old

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