Chapter 86: Different Timeline
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 86: Different Timeline

The room became quiet. Gao Ming paused for a second. Then, he stood up to grab the food for Wan Qiu and sent him to his room. After Wan Qiu left, Gao Ming sat back down. His expression didn’t change, but his gaze was different.

“Just say what’s on your mind.”

“I was surprised when I saw you get on the bus at Hen Shan Penitentiary. I wanted to greet you, but you were busy with headphones on.” Liu Yi opened her phone and showed a drawing of the bus to Gao Ming, “After I got on the bus, I noticed something was wrong. There were problems with the passengers, driver and the bus itself. When the bus got into an accident inside the tunnel, I survived and remembered the bus.”

“It looks no different from a normal bus. Just the plate is blurred by blood.”

“I compared the route with the buses who had accidents…” Liu Yi opened a hidden folder. She opened an old news. “Look at these two pictures. Do they look familiar?”

Gao Ming looked at the screen. The bus in the article was similar to the bus Liu Yi drew. Even the details, like the number of shattered windows and the scratches on the shell, were the same.

“They look like the same bus.”

“That’s what I want to tell you.” Liu Yi scrolled down. “Look at the date. This article was reported on the Hungry Ghost Festival ten years ago! The bus we took had an accident 10 years ago!”

Gao Ming didn’t have any impression of the bus. He was too focused on himself.

“A bus that is trapped in time?” Gao Ming’s brain spun. “Lawyer Liu is not simple. Even in that dangerous situation, you can still remember so many things.”

“It’s nothing compared to you.” Liu Yi turned her phone over, and she slowed down. “I’ve come here to look for you three times, but you are not home.”

“You came to look for me?!” Gao Ming thought back to his last life. He was trapped at home for three days and thus missed the meeting with Liu Yi and entered the other timeline. In other words, if Gao Ming didn’t retain the God of Blood and Flesh’s memor

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