Chapter 87: Circles
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 87: Circles

“Okay. I’ll wait for you.” Liu Yi started to arrange her bag as she prepared to leave.

“Don’t leave yet. I still have some questions.” Gao Ming stopped thinking about what Liu Yi said and started to take the initiative. “You still haven’t told me why do you know where I live?”

“Did you not realise you’ve been missing something?” Liu Yi took out a ruined resume from her bag. It had Gao Ming’s picture. It also contained his address and his games, which had won gaming awards. “I don’t know your contact info. This resume piece only has your home address.”

“A resume?” Gao Ming remembered. When he planned to seek a job at Nightlight Gaming Studio, he printed out his resume at the prison. When he exited the tunnel, he was surrounded by supernatural events. He forgot about this.

“Why is this thing with you? Why is it torn?”

“It looks like your memory is not complete. How about we work together to piece it together?” Liu Yi sat back down. “Song Xue and I got on the bus at Han Jiang. Other than the two of us and the driver, there were only three passengers in the last row. When we left the city, the bus only paused at Hen Shan Town. Then, it continued on its journey.”

“I know. I got on the bus at Hen Shan.” Gao Ming still remembered this.

“When the bus started again, the bus was full of people.” Liu Yi and Gao Ming sat across from each other. Their expressions and gazes were very serious.

“No.” Gao Ming shook his head. “When I was waiting for the bus, there was only me at the station. I got onto the bus and realised the bus was full.”

Their memories were different, but it didn’t seem like either of them was lying.

“Perhaps we can think of this from a different perspective. The passengers who got on with you were all ghosts.” Liu Yi continued, “The bus continued to the intersection of the three cities. He put on your headphones once you got on the bus and focused on your game.”

“That’s right. I needed to insert an ad for a cake shop into the game. It was

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