Chapter 76: Gao Ming's First Killer
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 76: Gao Ming's First Killer

At the end of Queens Road, Century Hall was holding a giant charity event. Outside, the dark clouds covered the sky, and the storm ravaged the city. Inside, people sang and danced. The giant hall was filled with Han Hai’s elites. The clear glass separated the world into two. They could see each other but couldn’t touch the other.

“You can’t enter if you don’t have the invitation or work Id. You can stand outside to watch.” The fat guard stopped Gao Ming and Wan Qiu. They were all normal people, but the guard looked at Gao Ming with disdain. Gao Ming didn’t argue with the staff. He led Wan Qiu away and hid among the crowd. The security was tight. There was no chance to get close to Situ An, much less injure him.

“The hall is too big. Even if I trigger all the death portraits, I can’t cover an area so large.” Gao Ming lowered his head. If the people around him knew what he was thinking, they would be shocked.

“If hundreds of people were trapped in an anomaly, with so many media around, the news couldn’t be silenced. The centre would investigate this even if it were the last thing they did.”

The charity soon started. After the students from Han De Private School finished their performance, the corporations started their donations. These people really wanted to help the poor. After the donation ceremony was over, the host finally said the words Gao Ming had once heard on television, “Now, we’ll welcome the vice president of Han Hai Charity, Mr. Situ An, to give us a speech!”

Situ An, in a custom suit, walked out from backstage. Once he appeared, the venue exploded in applause. The music changed as well. Gao Ming’s eyes turned red as he saw Situ An from afar. He needed to control himself. Situ An was so good at disguising himself. His figure was tall and muscular. He was mature and handsome. Once people got to know him, they would realise he was even greater than they thought. He was a business genius, a great philanthropist and highly humble. He was a walking beacon of human positives. When Situ An started his spe

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